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by Release Recommended Release (14.0 FP2)


Hide details for DQLDQL
JZHUCALN5WProgrammability - DQL - Fixed an issue where DQL searches using @Created were using modification time instead of creation time.
MAVACCTJKCProgrammabilty - DQL - Fixed an issue where DominoQuery was not working for a very large application when it had a FT Index
XYGUCG86NRProgrammability - DQL - Fixed an issue where NotesDominoQuery was failing if Region>Format was Chinese(Traditional, Taiwan)
Hide details for EditorEditor
ECRABPUJEBClient - Fixed an issue where copying text from Microsoft OneNote application to Notes rich text field would cause a hang if pasteboard contained...
ASIACA5NJNClient - Polish - Fixed an issue where an error would occur when typing the Polish national character "ł"
MLEY9UWKJAiNotes - Fixed a problem in Chrome where the attachment area was not working as expected.
LHUGBSCCZGClient - DBCS - Fixed an issue where some traditional Chinese characters and symbols display incorrectly with some specific Fonts against Windows...
AVAACADKLQClient - Editor - Fixed an issue in German client where keyboard shortcut STRG+K (Ctrl-K) was not working to mark selected text as italic. ...
THIOCD2GK4Client - Mail - Fixed an issue where, under some circumstances, certain emails would have the content of the email saved as an attachment. This...
PMIACELH49Client - Latvian - Fixed an issue where an error would occurred when typing Latvian national character "ļ" (right Alt + L combination) in Notes...
IJEUCCMKT8Client - Advanced Properties - Fixed an issue in Advanced Properties where the Received fields information was the same for all Received fields. ...
SRKMCGZD5LClient - Attachments - Fixed an issue where custom font was not honored when sending mail by right clicking an attachment and pressing Send To ->...
ASIACBFGUPClient - Calendar - Fixed an issue where Copy would stop working from Day-at-a-Glance calendar sidebar.
STAACJG4KZClient - Attachments - Fixed an issue where previewing attachment files that had DBCS characters in the file name would fail. This regression was...
Hide details for Embedded ViewEmbedded View
PJONB7GRULClient - Embedded Views - Fixed an issue with embedded views where they could display incorrect output under high server load.
Hide details for Entitlement AggregatorEntitlement Aggregator
JPAICC5L9AServer - Entitlement Tracking - Added clean up of potential duplicate domains in entitlement tracking names $Domains view
Hide details for EventsEvents
ANIAAN4DCCServer - Events - Fixed a crash that could occur in Event Task with Panic: Osvblockaddr: Bad Vblock Handle
Hide details for Field/Shared FieldField/Shared Field
RKRYCGZHQEDesigner - Fixed an issue where 64 bit Designer would crash when replacing an @formula in a folder action with LotusScript and then editing the code...
Hide details for FoldersFolders
SAHNC88J75Client - Basic - Fixed an issue with the basic Notes client where trying to drag and drop a child folder under the root Folders folder would give an...
Hide details for Formula/@FunctionsFormula/@Functions
LHUGC9Z5S8Templates - mail12.ntf - Traditional Chinese - Fixed an issue where Show - Conversations was not working. This regression was introduced in...
Hide details for Full-text indexingFull-text indexing
MOBNCJETFXServer - Fixed an issue where full text indexing could crash with handle out of range when indexing an encrypted MIME document


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